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horse boots

Hannah Pruss and Stuart -- 2017 AERC 100-Mile Reserve National Champions! Congratulations Hannah and Stuart!

What People are Saying about our Horse Boots

Just bought my first pair and tried them today....WOW! I have tried four other brands for my mare, and NOTHING compares to these boots! They are phenominal! Stayed on through everything, gallops and everything. Something No other boot has EVER done. WELL WORTH THE INVESTMENT! Thanks Renegade!

-- Lesley Bryant

1/16" Pro Hex Driver

Price each: $20.00

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"Pro Wrench" Hex Driver for cable clamp set screws. A must for frequent cable adjustments. Tool tip is ground from solid tool steel with sharp corners that grip the screw much better than standard L shaped hex wrenches (allen keys). Made in USA!

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AERC Platinum Sponsor
The Official Hoof Boot of AERC

The Official Hoof Boot of Tevis

hoof boots for horses

Stephanie DuRoss and Hadji (aka "The Legend").

Thank you so much to Renegade Hoof Boots. Without your amazing products and customer service Hadji and I would have never achieved this epic milestone together. 10,050 Endurance miles! Over 7,200 of those miles in Renegade Boots since 2007! Your Boots have made it possible for Hadji to continue to go down the trail safe and sound for 17 consecutive years to date. Over 700 miles this year alone and he will be turning 25 years old in September, with no signs of slowing down. Can't thank you guys enough. Photo credit's to Steve Bradley.

-- Stephanie Palmer-DuRoss.

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